This is actually more of a collectors viewing gallery rather than a business site. However, it is my pleasure to help you obtain whatever you see from here that may enhance your present collection.I get all these exotic records from reliable sources and my prices are very reasonable.I travel to all parts of the world to offer my items for sale and therefore I roughly know how much these items are going for in record fairs and among collectors. So, sit back and relax, because you know you have come to the right website.
I use this site to introduce my business and explain the goods I have to offer. People don't want to spend time surfing for asiatic pressings and end up paying so much more from another, say record fair dealer when you can buy it from me directly and thus saving you lotsa money, including the middleman fees or record fair fees.You can easily view my items at a glance and email me any infos you need pertaining to any featured or categorised item. I will feature a different item on the home page each month, along with a link to my products page so people can get more details about the country of origin etc. Sometimes I might run a contest to attract business, but that will depend if I have extra copy for that particular record.
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Records LP Wow! Singapore's Deep Purple 7 inch EMI EPEA1008 sold for USD150 TWICE on ebay. My price, USD100. You decide. 
Abba Greatest Hits MusicGirl- Singapore's world famous Rainbow Sleeve |
Killer Looks but... Why Asiatic pressings you might ask? They have inferior sound recordings! Well I kinda agree with this statement but collecting such record is basically an appreciation of the record artwork sleeves interpreted by various designers back then, rather than appreciation of the sound quality. If I want good sound, I'll rather see them "live" or buy some great Deccas or Living Stereos.All these pressings are for those who do not have enuff of their beloved artistes, hence it is somewhat like an extra, or original recordings that came with an alternative look and design. |
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